IronClad family Blog

Keep Your Health Directives Safe But Accessible With IronClad Family

Written by admin | Jun 23, 2017 4:00:00 AM


our legacy is as unique as it is precious. It encompasses much more than valuables and personal property; it includes audio/video files, family images, financial assets, property, and health data. Legacy preservation is vast, tailored to the assets you want to pass down to your heirs for generations to come.

Creating a living will is crucial, specifying who can access your legacy and when. Such a will serves the best interests of your legal heirs, enabling them to safeguard their health based on your directives. Some genetic diseases, like hemochromatosis, cystic fibrosis, and Marfan's Syndrome, can be passed down, and preventive care is vital for their safety.

Additionally, caregivers can initiate appropriate treatments by referencing your health directives when you're unable to communicate. All this information can be securely transferred to your legal heirs with the assistance of a trusted partner.

Steps to Protect Health Directives:

  1. Secure Vaults:

    In today's digital age, the internet plays a central role in both business and personal activities. High smartphone penetration has raised concerns about privacy, and businesses and governments require digital documentation for reference checks. Hackers are active in stealing personal data. The demand for secure e-vaults and emergency cards  has consequently risen, especially for safeguarding health-related data.

  2. Auto-Delivery of Documents:

    Clear instructions for the auto-delivery of documents to authorized recipients are essential. This ensures that only the right individuals can access your health data.

  3. Delivery Schedule:

    Define when and who should access your health data, providing instructions to your IronClad Family protection service provider. This could be after your passing or when you become incapacitated.

  4. Custom Messages:

    Personalized messages to recipients, along with your health records and directives, hold significant sentimental value. Preparing customized messages in advance is a thoughtful gesture.

  5. Reminders:

    Set reminders for recipients regarding their duties and responsibilities concerning their health based on your directives.

As your needs for protecting health data and legacy evolve, a partner like IronClad Family can keep you updated, tailoring solutions to your unique requirements. Safeguard your health directives and legacy with confidence.