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IronClad Family Attended Channelnomics Conference Security, Chicago

The winds of change have come forward with the internet revolution across the globe. As a matter of fact, channels of connectivity have taken refuge in the virtual space. So has the need for every documentation, be it with the federal government or in the private sector. Having said that, it means the need for cybersecurity has evolved significantly to meet the needs of both individuals and industries. For instance, consider the banking sector or the submission of tax returns to the federal government; digitization has made a solid impact. The recent ransomware attacks in major parts of the world and the resulting damages are glaring examples.

Therefore, all the stakeholders in the digital security business participated in an event, the Channelnomics Conference Security, in June 2017 to understand security perceptions and real threats that are imminent in the future. During the event, participants discussed possible measures to thwart such attacks in the near future. However, no decision or plan of action was conclusive.

Michael Lester, Chairman and co-founder of IronClad Family, attended this event on behalf of their organization.

Joining our panel of industry experts at #cnsec17 we also have Michael Lester! Take a look here: https://x.com/Channelnomics/status/864918870137688064?s=20

— Channelnomics (@Channelnomics) May 17, 2017

Security lapses may occur from time to time due to changes in business dynamics. Unless one is equally observant and careful about the developments affecting their legacy and business, they cannot protect individual or company assets 24/7, 365 days a year. This is where trusted partners in online security, such as IronClad Family, come into play.

Security concerns are an ongoing concept, and providing total security to online entities can be a Herculean task. However, losing hope is not a solution. Instead, the industry has raised awareness about security lapses, with the IronClad Family participating and contributing to the cause. A similar convention will take place a year later, with participants agreeing to a comprehensive and collective review of the threat perceptions and security arrangements at that time.

In short, online security is an ongoing process that requires regular updates for success. Unfortunately, many of us forget to upgrade security measures over time, falling into the trap of security lapses that can compromise legacies and happiness. Therefore, constant checks and regular upgrades of the security system are necessary for individuals and businesses. It also implies that organizations engaged in third-party security services must be prepared to thwart any attempts to compromise legacy protection.

The next convention on security threats, perceptions, and precautions will be discussed next year. In the meantime, many changes will be required as precautionary measures to safeguard the interests of individuals and business entities. Therefore, the most important thing at this juncture is being well-prepared to combat current crises and work in a secure environment that proactively addresses threats and security breaches. The best part is that such a convention will inform and update all stakeholders about the possible changes required soon.

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